398th Bomb Group

Lt. E. Dalton Ebbeson's Diary History

History of the Diary

  1. Veteran/Position/Squadron/Crew:
    Lt. E. Dalton Ebbeson
    B-17 Bombardier/Navigator
    603rd Squadron
    Staver J. Hyndman Crew
  2. Original Diary Location:
    A copy of the type written Ebbeson Diary was donated to the 398th archives in 2003 by Patricia Abahusayn, daughter-in-law of E. Dalton Ebbeson. It is unknown where the original hand written diary is.
  3. Copies at Key Repositories:
    8th AF Heritage Museum in Savannah: No
    Hertfordshire Archives: No
    398th's Wally Blackwell: paper and electronic
    398th's Lee Bradley: No
    398th's Jack's Books: No
    398th's Dave Jordan: paper and electronic
    398th's Allen Ostrom: No
    398th Web Site/Archive: electronic
  4. Period Covered:
    The diary covers the period from 7 August 1944 to 14 March 1945 and includes 35 combat missions along with many non-mission entries.
  5. When written:
    Appears to be written at the end of the day or shortly after each event from 7 August 1944 to 14 March 1945 and includes 35 combat missions along with many non-mission entries. Appears to have been typed years later. The 398th web site transcription was done from the typed version. No handwritten version has been seen by the 398th web team.
  6. Transcriber to Electronic Text:
    In 2006 Ruthanna Doerstler transcribed the original Ebbeson diary to electronic text for the 398th Web Page.
  7. Contact Information:
    Comments or corrections about this diary can be sent to the 398th Comment Coordinator.
  8. Epilogue:
    Not Available