398th Bomb Group

T/Sgt. Armand Fugge's Diary
Engineer/Top Turret Gunner 600th Squadron

6 August to 7 August 1944
Non Mission Days

August 6, 1944
Slept late. After chow I left camp to go to Nottingham to pick up my wallet. The M.P.’s got it back from guy who swiped it from me on July 8th. I traveled through Cambridge and reached Peterborough at 2210. The round trip cost me 13[s] 9 D. These English trains travel at about the speed of our trolleys back home. At midnight I was freezing in the station of Grantham waiting for a train.

August 7, 1944
Reached Nottingham at 0800. Had breakfast at the Red Cross. I then went to the M.P. station. All my personal things, snaps, licenses, etc were still missing so the extra 2 ppounds made up for it. I could have had the thief court-martialed but I told the M.P.’s that I was content to get my money that’s all. The M.P.’s gave me a ride back to Cambridge. Reached camp at 1700. The boys told me that we had lost Lt. Alhadeff while I was gone. They went down close to Hamburg. We lost Cheves, Johnson and Melville. Mel sure was an old pal. Peg’s still writing to his wife in New York. He bailed out OK so I guess he’s a P.W. now. I sure wish him the best of luck.

  • T/Sgt. Armand Fugge was the Engineer/Top Turret Gunner on Donald Lowe's 600th Squadron crew.
  • The above transcription was provided by Raymond Borys.
  • This transcription is a reproduction of the original. Spelling and punctuation changes have been made to improve readability. In some circumstances, material may not have been transcribed or was rewritten.
  • Clarification of acronyms or special words or guesses of certain words are shown in brackets [ ].

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