398th Bomb Group

S/Sgt. Kenneth A. Green's Diary
Gunner, 603rd Squadron

26 May 1945 to 30 May 1945
Non Mission Days

May 26, 1945
I left England to start on the flight back to the States. We landed at Valley, Wales, and stayed overnight.

May 27, 1945
We took off in our B-17’s heading for the Azores, which are 1,000 miles off the coast of Portugal, and stayed overnight there. We had champagne that evening.

May 28, 1945
We took off from the Azores, and landed at Gander, Newfoundland, and stayed there two evenings.

May 30, 1945
We took off from Newfoundland and landed at Grenier Field, Manchester, NH (my hometown). I saw my family and Vivian within an hour after landing. The first US soil that I set foot on after coming back was that of my own hometown. How about that?

  • For the first part of his tour S/Sgt. Kenneth A. Green was a Gunner on Kenneth S. Hastings' 603rd Squadron crew.
  • The above transcription was provided by Joe K. Mansell.
  • This transcription is a reproduction of the original. Spelling and punctuation changes have been made to improve readability. In some circumstances, material may not have been transcribed or was rewritten.
  • Clarification of acronyms or special words or guesses of certain words are shown in brackets [ ].

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