398th Bomb Group

2nd Lt. Charles J. Mellis, Jr.'s Diary

Co-Pilot, 603rd Squadron

2nd Lt. Charles J. Mellis Jr. was the Co-Pilot for the Ross Howden Crew. During 1944 this crew was based in Nuthampstead, England. The Howden Crew was in the 603rd Squadron of the 398th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force. The diary covers the period from 13 May 1944 to 27 September 1944. and includes 32 combat missions along with many non-mission entries.

  1. 2nd Lt. Charles J. Mellis, Jr.'s Diary
  2. 2nd Lt. Charles J. Mellis, Jr.'s Diary History
  3. Howden's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 11 July 1944
  4. Ross Howden Crew List