Target Neckarsulm, Germany
Date March 1, 1945
We bombed a tank factory visually. Take off was at 10 am. We formed at 6,000 feet and climbed through heavy clouds to 15,000 feet. We caught about 20 bursts of flak over the front lines and picked up one hole. We had a General in the lead ship that wanted a perfect bombing pattern so he made three runs over the target. I guess he didnt know it was my last mission. The bombs exploded all over the town and I could see many fires and small explosions. I had a scare on one of the runs over the target. Just as we were approaching the target a squadron of planes swung over us and hung there with their bomb bay doors open. I could look straight up and see the bombs hanging in their racks. We landed at 7:40 pm, nine hours 40 minutes in the air and about six hours on oxygen.