398th Bomb Group

Lt. Mark J. Woods, Jr.'s Diary
Navigator, 600th Squadron

7 April 1944 to 22 April 1944
Non Mission days

Date: April 7, 1944
Mission: Rapid City to Grand Island, Nebraska
Load: 1700 gals of gas, baggage and equipment, wt. 3500 lbs.
Flight Time: 2:40 hours

Date: April 13, 1944
Mission: Grand Island to Bangor, Maine
Flight Time: 9:15 hours
Load: 27,000 gals of gas, baggage and equipment wt. 3500 lbs.

Date: April 18, 1944
Mission: Bangor, Maine (Dow Field) to Goose Bay, Labrador
Load: 2700 gals of gas, baggage and equipment wt. 3500 lbs.
Remarks: Hit Goose Bay 1mile right
Flight Time: 4:40 hours, 2:40 hours on instruments

Date: April 19, 1944
Mission: Goose Bay, Labrador to Meeks Field (Reykjavik), Iceland
Load: 2700 gals of gas, baggage and equipment wt. 3500 lbs.
Remarks: Celestial navigation until one hour past Prince Christian. Missed Prince Christian 1 mile, hit Meeks on the nose.
Time: 11:00 hours, 1 hour on instruments
Altitude: 11,000 feet to 15,000 feet, two hours out of Iceland

Date: April 20, 1944
Mission: Meeks Field to Nuts Corner, Ireland via Stornway, Scotland
Flight Time: 5:30 hours
Load: 1700 gals of gas, baggage and equipment wt. 3500 lbs.
Remarks: Missed destination three miles right. Hit Stornway, Scotland on the nose.

Date: April 22, 1944
Mission: Nuts Corner, Ireland to Nuthampstead, England
Flight Time: 3:00 hours

  • Lt. Mark J. Woods, Jr. was a Navigator on Stanley R. Reed's 600th Squadron crew.
  • The above transcription was provided by Carolyn Woods and Joe K. Mansell.
  • This transcription is a reproduction of the original. Spelling and punctuation changes have been made to improve readability. In some circumstances, material may not have been transcribed or was rewritten.
  • Clarification of acronyms or special words or guesses of certain words are shown in brackets [ ].

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