398th Bomb Group

Lt. Mark J. Woods, Jr.'s Diary
Navigator, 600th Squadron

Mission No.

13 June 1944
Beauvais, France

Date: June 13, 1944 Mission #14
Location of target: Beauvais, France

Type of target: Airfield (Tille Field)

Load: 2100 gals of gas & 18-250 lb GP bombs
Altitude: 23,000 feet
Flight Time: 6:10 hours
Escort: None
Force of raid: One combat wing.

Position: Number 2 of second element of lead squadron of high group

Opposition: Flak and lots of it. Bothered us all the way in and out

Battle damage: None

Results: Unobserved. Bombed PFF through ten tenths

Remarks: Mission seemed to go fast. Foy did not know what "Baseball" (code word) meant when Stan said it. That caused a laugh. We saw the AA guns firing at us for the first time. They belched a high sheet of flame about 5 feet long. We pin pointed them, and turned them into S2. We saw the guns flashing at the beachhead, so we know it is still there. It was dusk at this time that is why we could see so well. We landed after dark. The main topic on the way home was a discussion on the difference between concrete and cement. Funny what you will do under fire.

Total Combat time to date = 98:00 hours

  • Lt. Mark J. Woods, Jr. was a Navigator on Stanley R. Reed's 600th Squadron crew.
  • The above transcription was provided by Carolyn Woods and Joe K. Mansell.
  • This transcription is a reproduction of the original. Spelling and punctuation changes have been made to improve readability. In some circumstances, material may not have been transcribed or was rewritten.
  • Clarification of acronyms or special words or guesses of certain words are shown in brackets [ ].

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