May 11, 1944
Slept until noon. Had chow then slept til supper. An A-20 crash landed on the base and exploded. 3 of the 500 pounders went off during the night and scared the wits out of all of us. Were scheduled for a rough mission tomorrow.
May 12, 1944
I slept til noon. Most of the other crews went to Lutzkendorf southeast of Berlin and sure did a good job on the oil refineries there. No planes from our outfit lost yet.
May 13, 1944
Dons grounded. Slept till noon. Killed the afternoon.
May 14, 1944
Slept til noon and killed the rest of the day.
May 15, 1944
Another day killed. Spent most of it thinking of home. Its really got me today.
May 16, 1944
Another day killed. The Jerries bombed Bristol last night but paid heavily. They lost 15 bombers. Saw Buffalo Bill at the mess hall.
May 17, 1944
Dons still grounded. Wasted the day. Hartwell, from Thomsons crew opened up his quart of Seagrams and I had my first liquor since I left the States. We killed it and had a hell of a time singing until way after midnight.
May 18, 1944: Killed the whole day sleeping.