May 19, 1944
The boys hit Berlin, today. It was plenty rough. Lots of flak. We lost our first crew flying 399. Went down over the target. It was ONeals crew and Nelson dropped his bombs on their plane. Lost young Jerry, Big Bob, Cone and the others. Were all taking it real badly. Fighters raised hell with the formation. Hope theyre alive and safe.
Editor's Notes:
- Armand Fugge was not on this mission. Above is his diary entry as to what happened.
- Ira O'Neil's 601st squadron plane was 42-97339 H, so perhaps the 399 is a typo, or perhaps Armand meant 398th.
- O'Neil was the first 398th loss in combat, two crew members lived and were POWs. They were Howard F. Baer and George Graham. Armand was probably unaware of who survived at the time the diary was written.
- There was one previous 398th loss. This was the Kiernan crew on 17 Jan 1944 in a night training flight.