Wally Blackwell Remembrances
Wally's Final Flight...
Dear 398th Friends,
It is with deep sadness I write that Wally Blackwell, our 398th BG Association President, passed away during the very early hours of Wednesday January 14th, 2009.
Wally was a good friend and leader to all of us. He will be missed so very much... but he is now pain free, soaring above the clouds in the High Lead together with those 398th comrades who have gone before him.
Keep 'em flying Wally, we love you.
Lee Anne
398th BG Historian
April 8, 2009 Service
There was a graveside service Wednesday, April 8th at 1:00 pm at the Sagamore Cemetery, Ben Abbey Road and Sandwich Road, Sagamore, MA. A reception followed at the Daniel Webster Inn in Sandwich, MA.
Below are some of Wally's photos, writings, and his 398th Timeless Voices interview.
See also:
- Cape Cod Time Death Notice
- Wally Blackwell Memorial Service Photos
- Eulogy for Wally Blackwell by Lew Burke
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests contributions to a memorial fund in memory of Wally be made to the 398th Bomb Group Memorial Association. This fund will be used to make a purchase at the 8th Air Force Museum in Savannah, GA in Wally's memory. Contributions should be mailed to: 398th BG Treasurer, 2175 Tree Lane, Kingwood, TX 77339-1769. (Please make note that the check is for the memorial fund for Wally Blackwell)
Wally Blackwell 398th Photos
- Blackwell's Crew - 601st Squadron - 6 August 1944
- Stearman Trainer at Portland Reunion - Sept. 2002
- Hal and Wally by Aluminum Overcast at St. Paul Reunion - Sept. 2001
Wally Blackwell 398th Writing
- Identifying 398th B-17s by Wally Blackwell, Pilot
- 398th Combat Formations - Definition and Structure by Wally Blackwell, Pilot
- Blackwell's Thirty-Four Man Crew by Wally Blackwell, Pilot
- My Friend Jack Bohn - Tail Gunner by Wally Blackwell, Pilot
- The Day We Saw The Colored Flak by Wally Blackwell, Pilot and Jack Bohn, Tail Gunner
- The Amazing Story of Miss X - Introduction by Wally Blackwell, Pilot
- A Remembrance of George E. Abbott, Togglier 601 Squadron by Wally Blackwell
Wally Blackwell's Interview
- Wally Blackwell, 398th Pilot - 601st Squadron Video Interview (49m 43s)
- Wally Blackwell, 398th Pilot - 601st Squadron Video Interview Transcription
- Wally Blackwell, 398th Pilot - 601st Squadron Video Interview Transcription - Some 398th BGMA History
There are two parts. Part I is Wally Blackwell's 398th WWII Timeless Voices Interview. Part II is a discussion with Wally Blackwell on Some 398th Bomb Group Memorial Association (BGMA) History. Part II begins at 32m 49s. Wally Blackwell is the current 398th BGMA president.

9/13/03 Pres of 398th Wally Blackwell with wife Teedy - Covington, KY

2002 - Photo Historian Geoff Rice, VP Marilyn Gibb-Rice,
and 398th Pres. Wally - Portland, OR

6/11/04 Twelve 398th veterans at Duxford Airfield, England
(Wally is all the way to the right in front row)

6/11/04 Teedy, Wally, Lee Anne, Dave at Madingly, England

5/26/06 Wally's hot red Jeep

11/30/07 Wally receiving Award - Phoenix, AZ

11/30/07 Wally and VP Marilyn - Phoenix, AZ