Awards of the Purple Heart
18 April 1945
APO 514, U.S. ARMY
18 April 1945
NO. 27
I. ---- AWARD OF PURPLE HEART: Under the provisions of Army Regulation 600-45, 22 September 1943, as amended, and pursuant to authority contained in paragraph 3d Section I, Circular 32, Hq ETOUSA, dated 20 March 1944, the PURPLE HEART is awarded to the following named officers and enlisted men:
Technical Sergeant Frederick Bradley, 32184343, Air Corps, United States Army, for wounds received while participating in an aerial flight over Paderborn Area, Germany, on 13 April 1945. Entered military service from New Jersey.
Technical Sergeant Joseph Reveman, 32993481, Air Corps, United States Army, for wounds received while participating in an aerial flight over Paderborn Area, Germany, on 13 April 1945. Entered military service from New York.
Staff Sergeant Andrew F. Fay, 16032133, Air Corps, United States Army, for wounds received while participating in an aerial flight over Paderborn Area, Germany, on 13 April 1945. Entered military service from Illinois.
Staff Sergeant John J. Miller, 31371929, Air Corps, United States Army, for wounds received while participating in an aerial flight over Paderborn Area, Germany, on 13 April 1945. Entered military service from Massachusetts.
Staff Sergeant Franklin J. Scherer, 35775419, Air Corps, United States Army, for wounds received while participating in an aerial flight over Paderborn Area, Germany, on 13 April 1945. Entered military service from Ohio.
By order of Lt. Col. HARASIMOWICZ:
Captain, Med Adm C,
AG Wash DC...........................................................3
CO, 805th Hosp Center APO 559...........................1
CG, ETOUSA, APO 887..........................................5
Det of Pnts and Registrar.......................................2
CG Hq ETOUSA (Attn Awards & Decorations Br,
AG Military Personnel Div) APO 887....................3
CG, UK Base, Com Z, ETOUSA Apo 413................2
Surgeon, UK Base, Com Z ETOUSA, APO 413.......1
Ea O, EM, and 201 file concerned..........................1
The above is an extract of 398th personnel from General Orders No. 27. More awards are listed, but only 398th personnel were extracted.
Transcribed September 2022 by Lee Bradley.
This is the complete Purple Heart Award Citation issued to Frederick Bradley, Joseph Reveman, Andrew F. Fay, John J. Miller and Franklin J. Scherer on April 18, 1945. All were members of the 601st SQ Howard Traeder Crew. Their names are listed on page 2. Copy provided by Lee Bradley, daughter of Frederick C. Bradley, Jr. |
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