398th Bomb Group

S/Sgt. Chilton H. Jorgenson's Diary
Ball Turret Gunner 601st Squadron

12 April to 5 May 1944
Non Mission Days

April 12th 1944
Today we left Miles Standish Camp and headed for our boat which was at Boston, Mass. We loaded on the boat this afternoon, it used to be a Luxury Liner but doesn’t look like it now. It used to be the S.S. Manhattan and now is the U.S.S. Wakefield. The boys were all pretty quiet and the quarters are quite crowded and stuffy.

April 13th 1944
When I woke up this morning we were at sea. Got on deck just in time to see the Mainland fall away in the rear.

April 14th thru April 21st 1944
Water, water everywhere. No convoy or nothing, once in a while an airplane, a fast ship thank God. On this morning deck stroll we entered the Irish Sea, water quite rough and lots of boys sick. Began to see other boats, docked at Liverpool late this afternoon and proceeded to leave ship. One of the first outfits off. We got on a train right in the station and started for our future home.

Editor's Note
  1. See Chaplain Duvall Conducting Services on USS Wakefield - probably 16 April 1944

April 22nd 1944
Arrived at our base about 5 am and after a good meal everyone went to bed. Woke up at 4:00 pm. Lt. Griffins & Lt. Berry’s crew also flew in. No sign of my bunch.

April 23rd 1944
More crews in but still no news from mine.

April 24th 1944
Started school and went to lecture all day still no crew.

April 25th 1944
At long last Lt. Gustoves and the boys arrived. Sure glad to see them. Have to start school all over again with the crew.

April 26th thru May 5th 1944
School and practice flights.

  • S/Sgt. Chilton H. Jorgenson's was the Ball Turret Gunner for the Selmar Gustaves, Merwin L. Genung, and John J. Falkenback 601st Squadron crews.
  • The above transcription was provided by Raymond Borys.
  • This transcription is a reproduction of the original. Spelling and punctuation changes have been made to improve readability. In some circumstances, material may not have been transcribed or was rewritten.
  • Clarification of acronyms or special words or guesses of certain words are shown in brackets [ ].

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