Back Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. F/O J. J. Miller, Bombardier
  2. Sgt. W. Ivy, Ball Turret
  3. F/O C. I. Wasserman, Co-Pilot
  4. 2nd Lt. R. F. Herkanham, Navigator

Front Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. S/Sgt. E. Pulley, Radio
  2. 2nd Lt. W. Worley, Pilot
  3. S/Sgt. S. Warren, Waist Gunner
  4. Sgt. V. Kolbe, Tail Gunner
  5. S/Sgt. J. Lintern, Engineer


  1. The Load List shows S/Sgt. at Tail Gunner, but Bill Ivy is certain that the man shown 4th from left is Sgt. V. Kolbe.


  1. 398th Mission No. 174, Dorsten Germany, 25 March 1945
  2. On this mission the Worley crew flew in the Low Group
  3. Aircraft flown: 43-38631 N7-T, Tondelayo
  4. Aircraft in photo: 43-38631 N7-T, Tondelayo
  5. Photo Date: 25 March 1945
  6. Photo Location: Nuthampstead
  7. Photo Reference No. A9232
  8. Information compiled by UK Friends of the 398th with thanks to Bill Ivy
  9. If you would like to add information about this photograph or are aware of a photo with a little better focus, please contact our Crew Pictures Coordinator. Please mention the title and photograph date.