On Feb 23, 1945, the 398th Bomb Group Low Squadron Lead in A/C 44-8476 led by Major Jean Miller, 603rd Squadron and Captain Kenneth W. Beckstrom, 603rd Squadron hit Lichtenfels, Germany with 13 planes from 13,000 ft. as a "target of opportunity." Lichtenfels is about halfway between Frankfurt and Eger, Czechoslovakia (now called Cheb)

Lichtenfels Before - 23 Feb 1945

A strike photo of mission #153, the rail yard at Lichtenfels, Germany taken on 23 Feburary, 1945. In the photo you can see the smoke trail of the smoke marker dropped by the low squadron lead aircraft to mark the target. The smoke marker is still in flight and headed for the rail yard at the bottom of the photo.

Target Lichtenfels - 23 February 1945

This photo shows the partial results of the bomb run on Lichtenfels. In this photo you can still see the smoke trail, which is now somewhat blown about by surface winds, and the smoke clouds from the bomb run. The bomb run and photographs were made from about 13,000 ft.

Not every bomb in the squadron has hit yet, though as it doesn't look like 155 bomb clouds. All but 4 were RDX.


  1. 398th Mission No. 153, Eger, Czech, 23 February 1945 was the primary target
  2. Photo Date: 23 February 1945
  3. Photo Location: Lichtenfels, Germany was a target of opportunity.
  4. Photo Reference: Lichtenfels_23 February 1945
  5. Historic Photo Source: XXXXX
  6. Contemporary Source: Google Maps?
  7. Photo Identification: Mike Dingus
  8. Photo Commentary: Mike Dingus
  9. If you would like to add information about this photograph, please contact our Crew Photos Coordinator. Please mention the title and photograph date.